Cup Colors

The intensity and nuances of color that a tea produces give insight into its place of origin, the season of its plucking and its intrinsic character. A huge spectrum awaits you: deep browns, warm oranges, fruity reds, mellow yellows, vivid fresh greens and all the possibilities in between. Although it may seem impossible to express such a splendid variety of color in words, we have given it our best shot. Why? Because the cup color of a freshly brewed tea is a key quality criterion, revealing the very essence of the leaf.

Light cup color

delicately aromatic, fresh, mild, mellow, delicately spicy, fragrant
Sample teas from our assortment:
First Flush teas from Darjeeling and Nepal
Oolong Barisan
China Lung Ching
Candy Apple Tea

Medium cup color

Tart-aromatic, slightly spicy, rounded, flowery
Sample teas from our assortment:
Second Flush teas from Darjeeling and Nepal
Golden Nepal
China Royal Jasmine Curls
Fig Rosé

Dark cup color

highly aromatic, strong, spicy, full-bodied, intense character
Sample teas from our assortment:
Black teas from Assam
Japan Matcha
Le Touareg
Fruit Paradise